School Board 

The St. Pius X School Board comprises our parish's esteemed leaders, the SPX principal and assistant principals, and a diverse assembly of parents and dedicated school supporters. We wholeheartedly embrace their valuable insights and invite you to connect with the board members to share your ideas and perspectives.

The SPX School Board functions in an advisory capacity, offering guidance on all facets of the educational program at St. Pius X School. The board works collaboratively with the Pastor and Principal to implement the policies set forth by the Diocesan School Board.

Board Members

Reverend James J. Walsh, Pastor

Matt Rucinski, Principal

Mary Jo Belles, Pre-K Assistant Principal

Emily AuClaire, K-4 Assistant Principal

Steve Curtis, Middle School Assistant Principal

George Frany III, President

Rebecca Ricchiuti, Vice President

Michael Paulsen, Secretary

Erin Berghela

Heidi Cummins

Jerry Crucetti

Jason Driscoll

Jessica Gallo

Joe Koyon

Brooke Keese

Ashley Perry

Elaine Ramundo

Zachary Snyder